For me, online shopping has been something completely unfamiliar, but within the time I became more and more interested in it. So, while browsing the internet, I recently discovered Zaful, online shop with a variety of styles and products. I have to admit that I always find somenting I like in shopping centres, but Zaful surprised me with a number of beautiful vintage dresses I really adore. You cannot find those in shopping centres, believe me. :) Maybe in your grandma´s closet (click). So, if we share that romantic clothing style (vintage, boho) then you will enjoy this post. If that´s not the case, it is not too late to join us. :D
This post is the result of collaboration with Zaful and today I´m showing you some products from their website I really like and I´m planning to order in the future.
If you want to know more about some product just click the link below the photo. :)
Online kupavina donedavno mi je bila poprilična nepoznanica, ali kako je rastao moj interes za modu, tako je rasla i želja da napokom zakoračim u taj svijet. Tako sam u mnoštvu web stranica pronašla Zaful, online trgovinu koja me odmah osvojila raznolikom ponudom. U moru odjeće u trgovačkim centrima uvijek pronađem štogod za sebe, ali toliko vintage haljinica kao na Zafulu- teško, prije u bakinom ormaru (klik). Ako dijelimo taj pomalo romantični stil odijevanja(vintage, boho), onda ćete uživati u postu. Ako ne, nikada nije kasno da nam se pridružite. :D
U suradnji sa Zafulom pokazat ću Vam proizvode koji mi se sviđaju i koje bih rado naručila u budućnosti.
Ako želite saznati nešto više o pojedinom proizvodu, možete kliknuti na link ispod slike. :)
Since I´m not very curvy girl, I prefer to wear swimsuit tops without wire and these two are just perfect in my opinion. I love this colorful print and nice combination of upper and lower swimsuit part.
Sukladno svojim (ne)oblinama, preferiram gornje dijelove kupaćih kostima bez žice i ova dva su me odmah osvojila šarenim uzorkom i lijepom kombinacijom gornjeg i donjeg dijela.
Sukladno svojim (ne)oblinama, preferiram gornje dijelove kupaćih kostima bez žice i ova dva su me odmah osvojila šarenim uzorkom i lijepom kombinacijom gornjeg i donjeg dijela.
Well, this is round beach blanket! I´ve never seen something like this and I absolutely love it! I think it can work as a blanket for picnic in nature, it is pretty universal.
Ovo je okrugli ručnik za plažu! Nikada prije nisam vidjela ništa slično i s ovim se sigurno ne može proći nezapaženo. Može poslužiti i za piknik u prirodi, poprilično je univerzalan. :)
I love details on the left blouse and its wide sleeves, also the right one is great for those warm autumn days. :)
Lijeva bijela bluza me osvojila detaljima na rukavima i samim širokim rukavima, a desna je kao stvorena za one toplije jesenske dane. :)
This year I fell in love with A line skirts and I´m definately going to order one of these two.
Ove sam se godine zaljubila u suknje A kroja i definitivno namjeravam naručiti neku od ove dvije.
Two more A line skirts. The left one is so special and extraordinary and it is one of my favorite clothing pieces on the whole site. I imagine both of these two with white shirt and shoes. :)
Još dvije suknje A kroja. Lijeva je toliko neobična i posebna te mi je jedan od najdražih komada odjeće na cijeloj stranici. Obje zamišljam s bijelom košuljom i cipelicama. :)
Blue dress is always a good idea. :) Both of these are so joyful and they remind me of summer. Luckily, most of the time I buy summer products in the end of summer (sales time). :D
-------------------------------------------------------------------Plave haljine su uvijek pun pogodak. :) Obje su baš ljetne, ali osobno većinu ljetne odjeće kupujem na samom kraju ljeta (tada je sve najjeftinije) :D
Boho dresses are great for summer days in the city or morning cofee with friends. :)
Boho haljinice su idealne za ljetne šetnje gradom ili jutarnju kavu s prijateljicama. :)
Their majesty- vintage dresses. I was so happy and surprised when I realised that Zaful offers these kind of clothing pieces. Also, the prices are also very affordable, these dresses can sometimes be pretty expensive.
I love this left dress because of beautiful light blue shade, and the right one...If I had to wear one dress for the rest of my life this would be the one. These kind of dresses can really make my day. :)
I haven´t ordered it this time, but his is one of the products I'm planning to buy on Zaful very soon. :)
Njihovo veličanstvo- vintage haljine. Ostala sam u sedmom nebu kada sam vidjela da Zaful u ponudi ima i ovakve modele. Također, cijene su sasvim prihvatljive, inače su ovakve haljine na internetu većinom preskupe za mene.
Desna me haljina osvojila vedrom plavom bojom, a lijeva... Da moram nositi istu jednu haljinu ostatak života, to bi bila ova haljina. Ne pretjerujem, meni ovakve haljine poprave dan. :)
S obzirom da je moja prva narudžba u suradnji sa Zafulom, nisam mogla naručiti ovu haljinu iz jednog isključivo tehničkog razloga (ne bih vas zamarala detaljima, morate mi vjerovati da je tako). Planiram jednu "osobnu" narudžbu sa Zafula i ona će se prva naći u mojoj košarici. :)
The next two dresses have so beautiful colours, especially the left one because I love warm autumn colours.
Iduće dvije haljine osvojile su me svojim bojama, pogotovo desna jer volim tople jesenske boje na odjeći.
Wow, Kata's back in 21st century. :D
Two cute everyday bags, I this cat one is so cool.
Wow, Kata se vratila u 21. stoljeće. :D
Dvije preslatke torbe za svaki dan, fora mi je ova s mačkom.
Currently those thin metal necklasses and lots of rings are very popular. :)
I was surprised by the prices on Zaful. This stuff can be much more expensive in our stores.
Trenutno su popularni tanki metalni lančići i prsteni, puno prstena. :)
Currently those thin metal necklasses and lots of rings are very popular. :)
I was surprised by the prices on Zaful. This stuff can be much more expensive in our stores.
Trenutno su popularni tanki metalni lančići i prsteni, puno prstena. :)
Iznenadile su me cijene nakita na Zafulu. Ovakve stvari kod nas znaju doći i više puta skuplje.
I prefer simple sunglasses without colorful lenses and with neutral colour of frame and I´m in love with this cat eye ones. As for watches, I like different models, but I prefer this flower watch.
Kod sunčanih naočala ne volim komplicirati i najljepši su mi najjednostavniji modeli sa crnim staklima (plastikom) i okvirom u neutralnoj boji i zaljubila sam se u ovaj cat eye model. Što se tiče
satova, volim svakakve modele, ali ovaj sa cvijetom mi se posebno sviđa.
That is all for today.
What is your Shopping experience on Zaful?
Do you like any of my favorites?
Till next post,
I prefer simple sunglasses without colorful lenses and with neutral colour of frame and I´m in love with this cat eye ones. As for watches, I like different models, but I prefer this flower watch.
Kod sunčanih naočala ne volim komplicirati i najljepši su mi najjednostavniji modeli sa crnim staklima (plastikom) i okvirom u neutralnoj boji i zaljubila sam se u ovaj cat eye model. Što se tiče
satova, volim svakakve modele, ali ovaj sa cvijetom mi se posebno sviđa.
That is all for today.
What is your Shopping experience on Zaful?
Do you like any of my favorites?
Till next post,
Toliko od mene za danas. :)
Jeste li kupovali na Zafulu?
Koje favorite dijelimo?
Do idućeg tipkanja,

I love it, those bikinis are to die for! You have such a lovely little blog here, keep up your amazing work it is paying off! x
I totally agree with you! :D Thank you very much :D