The most of Essence the little X-Mas factory products left the stores in December, but some of them are still available here and there so I hope this review is going to be useful for someone. :)
Every Christmas Essence makes holiday limited edition and it is always suuuper cute, so I just couldn´t resist buying it. I´ve stopped buying limited edition products lately (I really don´t know why I`ve done that, but my wallet was happy with that) but I just can´t skip the Christmas one. Are these worth the money? Read below. :)
Iako se većina prozorčića s Essence the little X-Mas factory limitiranom kolekcijom ispraznila još za vrijeme `blagdanske šoping groznice`, tu i tamo su proizvodi su još uvijek na policama i sigurna sam da će nekome ova recenzija poslužiti. :)
Kao i svakog Božića, Essence je pripremio blagdansku limitiranu kolekciju i ja nisam mogla odoljeti preslatkim pakiranjima i lijepim, prigodnim bojama. U zadnje vrijeme sam malo popustila s kupovanjem limitiranih kolekcija, ali u božićno mi vrijeme (po običaju) ništa nije moglo pomoći. :D Što se od ovih simpatičnih stvarčica isplati, a što ne, saznajte ispod.
Essence the little X-Mas factory eyeshadow palette 01 north pole express delivery
"Melting away! paleta sjenila s pet svjetlucavih boja stvara zapanjujuće make-up stilove za oči, a otisnuti uzorak na teksturi zasigurno će otopiti tvoje srce."
The packaging is very nice and it has a mirror, which is really handy. Pressing pattern truly melted my heart, but bad pigmentation brought me back to reality. :)
Eyeshadows really look nice, but they are too hard and pigmentation is really poor, so I suggest you to save some money for other stuff from this collection.
Sjenila stvarno izgledaju prekrasno i zaljubila sam se u svih šest nijansi, ali su pretvrda i slabo pigmentirana tako da preporučam da sačuvate novce za ostale stvarčice iz posta.
price: 4.6 Euros
cijena: 34.90kn
Essence the little X-Mas factory nail polishes
`Christmas colors! Gold with a foil finish, white with a light shimmer as well as pink and pine green without an effect are Santa’s favorites.`
I really don´t know what Santa thinks about these, but I think they are cute. :)
As every Essence nail polish, these are great. They have a bit thinner brush (different packaging) and they last a bit shorter than regular Essence polishes. I have to say it was really hard to choose only two of four shades, I adore every one of them!
"Boje Božića. Zlatna sa foil završetkom, bijela sa svijetlim sjajem, kao i ružičasta i zelena bez sumnje su favoriti Djeda Božićnjaka."
Ne znam što Djed Božićnjak misli o njima, ali meni su baš simpatični. :)
Odlični kao i svi Essence lakovi, jedino nešto uže četkice (zbog drugačijeg pakiranja) i nešto kraće traju. Moram priznati da sam jedva izabrala dvije od dostupne četiri nijanse, sve su mi prekrasne!
02 let´s take an elfie
Lately I like to match the colour of my clothes with nail polishes and this pretty white with tiny glitter is easy to match with almost everything. :) It is classy and white glitter gives it a bit of holiday spirit. I have three layers of polish on my nails. One and only shortcoming is the process of taking it off. I think it is easier to take off glitter polish than this one.
U zadnje vrijeme volim usklađivati lakove s odjećom i ovaj čarobni bijeli ljepotan sa sitnim šljokicama po tom je pitanju jako zahvalan. :) Klasičan je, a bijele mu šljokice daju dašak blagdanskog ugođaja. Na slici imam tri sloja. Jedina mu je mana to što ga je nemoguće skinuti, čak teže nego glitter lakove.
04 meet me under the mistletoe
I was looking for nice creamy dark green for a while and I finally got one. :) It is extremely shiny and the colour is absolutely beautiful. This one is very easy to take off with nail polish remover.
Već dugo tražim lijepi tamnozeleni kremasti lak i napokon je moj. :) Ima izrazit sjaj i prekrasnu
duboku boju nanesenu u dva sloja. Dobro surađiva s odstranjivačem laka, za razliku od kolege.
the price of each nail polish: 2.2 Euros
cijena svakog laka za nokte: 16.90kn
Essence the little X-Mas factory super rich mini hand cream
`Delicious care! The two hand creams with a vanilla and cookie fragrance come in a practical mini-size to pamper the hands of all hardworking christmas helpers.`
I´m not crazy about handcreams, but I really like them and use the them a lot. Despite that, it´s hard for me to keep my hands hydrated trough the winter.
I love the sweet packaging of this cream and I´ve bought both creams from this collection, this one here (01 holiday hugs) and another one (02...and mistletoe kisses) for my sister.
"Delicious care. Dvije kreme za ruke s mirisom vanilije i božićnih kolačića dolaze u praktičnoj mini veličini kako bi mazile ruke svih vrijednih božićnih pomagača."
Nisam kolekcionar krema za ruke, ali ih (pre)često kupujem i puno trošim. Unatoč tomu, teško se borim protiv suhe kože na rukama.
Ova kremica na prvu me osvojila lijepim i sitnim pakiranjem i odmah sam kupila jednu sebi (01 holiday hugs, na slikama) i jednu (02...and mistletoe kisses) sestri kao dio božićnog poklona.
Hydration is just fine, but one thing about this creme really stands out- the scent! It is so intensive and the scent is all over the room when I use it. Holiday hugs has vanilla scent and `...and mistletoe kisses´ cookie scent, but they both smell like holidays (I guess you can imagine what I want to say). :) In every case, the most ´christmassy´ handcreams I´ve ever seen. :)
Hidratacija je sasvim u redu, ali meni je jedna stvar u vezi ove kreme zasjenila sve drugo- miris! Jaaako je intenzivan i cijela prostorija zamiriše kad je koristim. Holiday hugs miriše na vaniliju, a ...and mistletoe kisses na kolačiće, ali obje nekako mirišu na blagdane. :) U svakom slučaju, "najbožićnije" kreme na koje sam ikada naišla. :)
price: 1.7 Euros
cijena: 12.90kn
That´s all from me for today, I hope you like some of the products. Till next post!
Toliko od mene za danas, nadam se da vam se svidio neki od proizvoda i čitamo se uskoro!

meet me under the mistletoe nijansa laka za nokte mi se jako sviđa. Da bar naletim na još neki, negdje :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiNadam se da hoćeš :)