Danas Vam pokazujem svoju prošlotjednu manikuru napravljenu u sklopu usklađenih manikura (nisam je stigla objaviti prošli tjedan). Riječ je o za mene novoj tehnici, blobbicure. Manikura je stvarno jednostavna, a veoma upečatljiva.
Hello everyone!
Today I´m showing you my last week´s manicure I did for MMS task. For me, it is new discovery, blobbicure. The manicure is very simple and also very striking.
Hello everyone!
Today I´m showing you my last week´s manicure I did for MMS task. For me, it is new discovery, blobbicure. The manicure is very simple and also very striking.
Nisam imala pojma o čemu se zapravo radi, ali u ovo doba brzo dolazimo do informacija, zar ne? :D
At first, I had no idea what blobbicure is, but i just googled it. :)
At first, I had no idea what blobbicure is, but i just googled it. :)