Today you´re reading a very special post about a few nice things I got from Zaful and about my experience with them. :)
I´m pretty new in online shopping, so collaboration with Zaful helped me to get to know it much better. I was impressed with the wide range of clothes and styles you can easily find there.
Danas čitate jedan poseban post o nekoliko lijepih stvarčica sa stranice Zaful te o mojem iskustvu s odjećom i stranicom. :)
Kao nekome potpuno novom i izgubljenom u online kupovini, suradnja sa Zafulom pomogla mi je da ju bolje upoznam. Ogroman izbor odjeće i svi mogući stilovi na jednom mjestu svakako me nisu ostavili ravnodušnom.
I´ve decided to order a dress (in vintage style, of course), cat eye glasses and ring set. My stuff were delivered in a few weeks and I didn´t have to pay any customs. Everything in the package was nicely packed and protected.
Odlučila sam se za haljinu (u vintage stilu, ofkors), cat eye naočale i set prstenja. Narudžba je došla kroz dva-tri tjedna i nisam morala plaćati carinu. Sve u paketiću bilo je uredno zapakirano i zaštićeno.
There is a lot of gorgeous products on Zaful so it was hard to decide what to order, but I´ve made a right choice and I love everything I got. If you want to see the rest of my Zaful wishlist, click HERE.
U mnoštvu prekrasnih stvari bilo mi se teško odlučiti, ali nisam pogriješila i oduševljena sam svime što je stiglo na moju kućnu adresu. Ako vas zanima ostatak moje wishliste, pogledajte post (KLIK).
Vintage floral dress
This perfection stole my attention immediately and when I finally saw it in real life, I liked it even more.
The material is cotton and it really has high quality.
Materijal je pamuk i na dodir mi se čini kvalitetan.
This is an A- line dress and the lower part is pretty full, as you can see above.
Haljina je A- kroja i na donjem dijelu se dosta širi, kao što vidite na slici iznad.
The dimensions of the dress equal the ones written online.
This dress should be knee length, but consider the fact that I´m 184 cm tall, and wear L. :)
Haljina odgovara dimenzijama sa stranice i nije bilo neugodnih iznenađenja po tom pitanju. :)
Uzmite u obzir da bi haljina trebala biti do koljena, ali mojih 184 cm visine (na veličinu L) je učinilo svoje i na meni je nešto kraća.
It will be perfect for the next spring- summer season (together with all other stuff bought on late summer sales). It is a bit too cold for it at this moment. :)
Odlično će doći za iduću sezonu (zajedno s ostalom odjećom kupljenom na kasnoljetnim sniženjima), ipak je sada malčice prehladno za nju. :)
(ignore my silly face :D / zanemarite izraz lica :D)
I´m completely amazed by this dress and I can´t wait to wear it again! :)
Haljina me skroz oduševila i jedva je čekam ponovo nositi! :)
I prefer wearing sunglasses in neutral colours and I completely fell in love wit these cat-eye ones. :)
Preferiram sunčane naočale u neutralnim bojama i neko sam vrijeme tražila neke s laganim cat eye oblikom, stoga mi je drago da sam naišla na ove. :)
I wasn´t sure will they be fragile, so I got surprised when I got them and realised that they are pretty firm. :)
Po fotografijama nisam mogla dobiti predodžbi o kakvoći i težini naočala, stoga sam se iznenadila kada su stigle. Bojala sam se da će biti krhke, ali dobila sam čvrste i konkretne naočale.
The design is a combination of gold and black colour with many sweet details.
Kombinacija su zlatne i crne, s puno lijepih detalja.
They also match the dress nicely. :)


I wear jewelry every single day, but i rarely buy it, so I really needed these rings. As everything else, you can check them on the link. I suggest you to check other jewelry too, the prices are pretty nice. :)
Iako ga svakodnevno nosim, nakit nekako slabo kupujem, tako da su mi ovi prstenčići pravo osvježenje. Kao i ostale stvari, možete ih pogledati na linku, a pogledajte i ostatak nakita na stranici, povoljniji je nego u većini dućana ovdje. :)
That´s it for today.
For more information about Zaful delivery and payment, click here.
I hope you like the stuff I showed you today. Till next post! <3
Toliko od mene za danas.
Za više informacija o dostavi i plaćanju na Zafulu, kliknite ovdje.
Nadam se da Vam se stvarčice (i fotografije) sviđaju i čitamo se uskoro! <3

* PR products/PR proizvodi